Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Tips on Installing Pump

When an electric voltage in the region less stable, voltage stabilizer use electricity to run the pump.
Place the pump as close to the water source, to minimize the distance of the suction pipe (suction) pipe will add power bursts of thrust (discharge). If this is not possible due consideration of the room, the maximum distance of the pipe from the well pump is limited on high suction (suction lift). (Fig. 1)
Placement of the pump must be protected from heat, rain and puddles, and has adequate air circulation. (Fig. 4)

  1. Figure 4: Put in the shade
    Place in a place that is easy to be checked if there is a problem. Stand the pump must be strong to prevent the tilt after a few years of use.
    Reduce the number of bends in the pipe joints to prevent leaks in plumbing installations. While minimizing energy barriers.
    Attach pipe clamps properly to prevent undue stress on the engine. (Fig. 5)

    Figure 5: Attach the clamp to the pipe near the pump
    Attach the vertical pipe from the pump into the well with the tip of the distance to the bottom of the well pipe at least 30 cm, and the end of the pipe submerged in the water. (Fig. 1)
    Automatic pumps are installed to deliver water to the toran with source water from wells or tank under, vertical distance should not be more than the pressure on the pressure switch (pump tank equipment on which the engine automatically when the tap is closed). For example, pressure switch on / off = 1.1 ~ 1.8 kgf / cm 2. That means the pressure switch on is 1.1 kgf / cm 2, equivalent to 11 meters. Thus, the vertical distance between the pump and toran should not be more than 11 meters.
    There should be no leaks in the pipe installation, both the suction pipe and pipe distributions (thrust). Because of the installation, splicing, and gluing pipe must be done carefully and correctly. Especially for suction pipe, as a result of air mixed with the water discharge, fishing continues every time you turn on the pump or even water does not flow at all. As for the pipe thrust the ugliest risk of moisture on the walls / room but the water keeps going.
    Suction pipe must be installed horizontal / angled climb heading into the pump to prevent trapped air. This condition will reduce the flow of water coming out. (Fig. 1)
    The grounding wire should be put into the ground to avoid accidents due to electric shock.

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