Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Tips on Choosing a Pump

  1. Types of pumps. For surface water depths <7 feet, choose a shallow well pump, to a depth of 7-9 m should wear spring-type shallow well pump jet pump. When the depth of the surface water source you> 9 meters, then you should use the pump type water jet pump. (Fig. 2) By using this type of water pump, then the well must have a minimum diameter of 4 ", so that the jet can ventury into the well. Characteristics of this type of pump has 2 holes inletnya section.

    Figure 2 The depth of water and type of pump
  2. Water depths. Measure the depth of water from the ground surface where the pump will be installed. Information on the depth of the water surface is often wrong, because that is often given by the consumer is not the depth of the well depth of the water surface. You can just bury the pipe up to 30 m, although the surface of the water depth of only 3 m. (Fig. 1) If the source of water that you will use is the source of water that long, you can measure the height of the water with his own punch tied with thread. Consider the possibility of a decrease in the water level in the dry season, you can add 1-2 feet from the measurement of the rainy season.

    Figure 1 Diagram Pump Installation
  3. Pump specifications. Of specification water pump, you can compare the depth of the water surface with the suction power of information. Generally the standard used by manufacturers of water pumps is the maximum depth of the water surface where water can be sucked. Maximum is not necessarily optimal, because the maximum suction power, so you can only get a 1 liter water, within 1 hour. Of course this is not efficient. Example: Information suction power specifications of the manufacturer generally include 11 meters for the type jet pump spring but ideally at a depth of 7-9 m.
  4. Voltage. Choose a pump that matches the voltage in your home.
  5. Power and Depth. Shallow wells with power pumps 125 or 200 watts while the jet pump spring 100 or 250 watts of power, a greater power does not mean can suck deeper. Only affect capacity. Example: With 200 watts of power, water capacity, in terms of volume of water released by the pump per hour, greater than 125 watts. Different from the pump jet pump manifold, big power has more suction power in anyway.
  6. Problem Power Jet Pump. For surface water depths up to 12 meters, you can use an electric pump powered jet pump 125 Watt or 150 Watt. Information on product specifications from manufacturers generally called a suction power of up to 15 meters. Surface to a depth of water more than 12 meters there is a standard benchmark that is generally known by the shop or artisan pumps, namely: maximum depth of 15 meters is optimal for pump jet pump 250 Watt or 300 Watt, 18 meters to the power 375 Watt, and 20 meter to the power of 500 Watt. More than this threshold is generally the capacity of water coming out of the water pump has not optimal to use simple household once. Do not be fooled by the suction power specification information from the manufacturer, which generally include jetted 30 yards for a pump power of 250 Watt or 300 Watt, 40 meters to 375 Watt power, and 50 meters to 500 Watt power. When the depth of the water surface you already exceeds 20 meters, you are strongly advised to use a submersible water pump manifold.
  7. Tower heights. Up to what height the water will be channeled. For that you need to learn the specifications of the pump. Usually called Total Head. The thrust is also influenced by how deep suction. Shorter suction power, the more distant a driving force. Therefore, try to put the machine with the well pump as low as possible.
  8. Power House. Select the appropriate pump with electric power at home. Keep in mind when starting the pump is always ± 1.5 to 2 times the normal power. Specification is usually written on the label inputs and outputs. For example, the input (power at the first start takes place within a few seconds) = 100 watts means the power consumption at start 1.5 to 2 times of it, while output = 0.25 kW (power consumption with load) means the power consumption is 250 watts. If your home power 900 watts, you can use the pump up to 375 watts, but it may be considered to increase your power of 1300 watts, because when combined with other electrical and electronic devices may be less. That need to be considered when you choose to use the pump power> 500 watts. Because specific to this type of power is required at start is 3 times the normal power, so it becomes 1500 watts.
  9. Circuit breaker. Select a bike equipped with a thermal pump protector or circuit breaker, which serves electric current cut off the pump when excessive load. Thus, the pump will automatically stop if it's too hot so it does not burn.
  10. Discharge per hour. Note the water capacity indicated on the label specifications. Calculate your home water needs per day, how many expected discharge. Surely you do not want the pump to work all day, right? With the same power, select a pump that has a larger capacity, thus filling water into toran faster and save power consumption.
  11. Choose a pump with a soft voice. For the first test pump selected. When his voice rough, ask the shop to replace it with another. Sounds rough indicate irregularities or problems at the pump.
  12. Budget. It affects what brand to buy. Benchmark in point 5 & 6 above can be said to be the same for all brands, so the water pump powered same but more expensive, does not mean having a better suction power. The difference in the price of each brand, more on the quality of the motor windings, which affects the length of the short life of the pump, the quality of materials, motors and electronic components as well as after-sales service. Whether it's the cheapest class brands such as Pompe, Airlux, etc., medium brands like Shimizu, Wasser, Panasonic, DAB, DABAQUA, Multipro, etc., even upscale brands like Grundfos, Pentax, Pedrolo, Sanyo, Hitachi. So choosing the appropriate brand and also depends on the budget you have brand preferences. Choose a pump from a trusted brand, provide after-sales service in your city with guaranteed spares. Be careful with the pump fake because the quality is not guaranteed and can not be repaired in case of damage.

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