Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Head Pump

Head pump is the energy per unit weight that should be provided to drain some liquid that was planned in accordance with the conditions of the pump installation, or pressure to drain some liquid, which is usually expressed in units of length.
According Bernauli equation, there are three kinds of head (energy) of the fluid flow system installations, namely, pressure energy, kinetic energy and potential energy
It can be expressed by the following formula:

Because energy is eternal, then the shape of the head (high press) can vary at different cross sections. But in fact there is always a loss of energy (losses).

In different conditions like in the picture above, the Bernoulli equation is as follows:

1 Head Pressure
Head pressure is the difference in pressure head acting on the surface of the liquid at the press with head pressure acting on the surface of the liquid at the suction side.
Head pressure can be expressed by the formula:

2 Head Speed
Head speed is the difference between head velocity of liquid at the channel hit with a head speed of liquid at the suction channel.
Head velocity can be expressed by the formula:

3 Total Static Head
Total static head is the difference in height between the surface of the liquid at the surface of the press with liquid at the suction side.
Total static head can be expressed by the formula:
Z = Zd - Zs (5)
Z: Head static total
Zd: Head of static on the side of the press
Zs: Head of static on the suction side
The +: If the surface of the liquid at the suction side of the pump is lower than the axis (Suction lift).
Signs -: If the surface of the liquid at the suction side is higher than the pump axis (Suction head).

4 Losses head (head loss)
Loss of energy per unit weight of fluid in the drainage of fluid in the piping system referred to as head loss (head loss).
Head loss consists of:
a. Major head loss (major losses)
Is the energy loss along the pipeline expressed by the formula:

Price f (friction factor) obtained from the Moody diagram (Annexure - 6) as a function of Reynolds Number (Reynolds Number) and the relative roughness (Relative Roughness - Îμ / D), whose value can be seen in the graph (appendix) as a function of the nominal diameter of pipe and the pipe surface roughness (e) which depends on the type of pipe material.
While the magnitude of Reynolds Number can be calculated by the formula:
b. Minor head loss (minor losses)
Is the head loss in fittings and valves located along the pipeline system. Can be searched by using the formula:

In calculating the loss in fittings and valves can use the table in Appendix 4 of this Magnitude declared losses in fittings and valves in sizes equivalent length of straight pipe.
c. total Losses
Total losses are total losses piping systems, namely:

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