Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Engine water pump for small fish pool

Engine water pump for Swimming Fish Mini (ornamental aquarium) Allows some koi enthusiasts have a mini pool can not be meaningful not only maximize the performance of pond and fish in it. Although the mini pool sometimes just used as a quarantine pool but need to be considered also pump enough water. Give large-capacity water pump is not really the problem but the electrical power used must be large. mini water pump for pool pump can use that is often used for the aquarium. generally the type of pump with a small water discharge pump types submersile wear or submersible pump.
Indeed there is no definition of how the size of a mini pond, but in this note can be discussed most of the pump that has a flow rate of approximately 3000 liters / hour. With this assumption, the volume of the mini koi pond approximately 3000 liters. With a volume of 2500 liters of pool water when using for example the water pump with a capacity of 3000 l / h in an hour then water can enter the filter at least one time cycle.
The following is a partial list of mini koi pond pump / tank that can make reference:
1 Resun sp 5200
Made in china mini pump requires electrical power consumption: 60 watts maximum output flow rate: 2800l / h and a maximum height: 3 2 mtr

Water Pump Resun sp-5200

Made of stainless steel made ​​using shaff and durable magnetic rotor. besides it comes to regulating the water flow can be appropriate. The water pump is claimed to have low noise to no noise, good energy efficiency and low maintenance
Resun pump sp 5200 sold in the market, at the same store may not have the same prices.

2 Atman at-105

Mini pool pump to consume less electric power is 50 watts has a considerable water flow rate is higher than the above Resun pump approximately 3000liter / h with a maximum height of 3 mtr

atman pump at 105

Equipped with rubber that can be attached around the size of aquarium and pond until quite flexible. besides that this pump is not noisy and easy in operation.

3. Aquila p5200
Aquila p5200 consume 50 watts of power with optimal output that is more or less sizable 3200liter / h with an optimal height 2 8 mtr

aquila p3900

4. Lifetech ap5300

Pompa lifetech ap5300 ini memanglah relatif besar saat mengkonsumsi daya listrik yakni lebih kurang 80 watt, dengan flow rate optimal 2800 liter/jam serta ketinggian optimal 2. 8 mtr.. harga pompa ini juga relatif cukup tinggi dibanding pompa merk lain di kelasnya yaitu lebih kurang Rp. 300.000.

ap5300 tech life

So a little review of the engine water pump most widely used in the market for a mini pool size that is able to maintain a koi fish or other types of ornamental fish.

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